As a service provider responsible for handling sensitive data, we understand that our security program, policies, and controls must meet or exceed our customers' standards. Data for machine learning (ML) is often subject to the most stringent legal, regulatory, privacy, compliance, and security requirements. Nomic infrastructure is engineered to the highest standards with this in mind.
Customer Data Retention Policy

Last Update: Feb 20, 2024

Your Data

The goal of this document is to convey that Nomic prioritizes making fair, legal and ethical decisions when it comes to storing and serving your data. Everything you upload to Nomic services is yours, including your raw data and maps. You can choose to delete your data at any time. We collect aggregate statistics across our users and datasets to improve our products – for example, we might do a database query to count the average number of datapoints stores in Atlas Datasets to help improve aspects properties such as search latency on maps. We treat your private data, source code, or trade secrets as confidential and private, as consistent with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Data Privacy and Organizations

By default Nomic datasets and maps are public, which means other users will be able to interact with your data and maps. You can make a specific dataset and its maps private by specifying so during project creations. Private datasets are only accessible to members of your Nomic organization. Organizations are a premium feature. To support the ML ecosystem, we can offer free private organizations to academics and open source datasets upon request. Sign up for an account and then contact us at support@nomic.ai.

Backups and Data Deletion

Nomic honors all data deletion requests. Most users can delete their datasets themselves by logging into their Nomic organization. Manual data deletion requests are tracked in a ticketing system and are executed after being assigned into an on-going engineering sprint. Nomic periodically takes back-ups or snapshots of system state to ensure data integrity and restorability. Deleted datasets may exist in these back ups for a period of up to 2 years.

Self-hosting and private cloud

We follow industry best practices for security and encryption in our cloud-hosted self-service offering (https://atlas.nomic.ai). We also offer fully-isolated, private cloud VPC deployments of Nomic Atlas for our enterprise customers. Contact us to learn about options for your enterprise at sales@nomic.ai.

Linked Accounts

If you use Google OAuth to create and log in to a Nomic account, we don't read or sync data from your repositories or folders. These connections are purely for authentication purposes.

AI Training Policy

Nomic will not use user uploaded data to train AI systems unless explicitly authorized by the user as part of a desired or expected system functionality.

“Henceforth, it is the map that precedes the territory” – Jean Baudrillard